The Styling Librarian

In my opinion, books are the best accessory.

Styling Librarian Oregon Occurrences Year 1 Week 12 Swifts

Little black dots- I caught when they were flying back into the chimney

Little black dots- I caught when they were flying back into the chimney

A little glance at another Oregon thing- Vaux’s Swift watching. Really enjoyed this as a meet up with other people. Kids slid down the hill on cardboard, huge groups all clustered around to watch the swifts, and nice audubon society people who allowed my kiddo to look through their telescope… many times.

Vaux's Swifts (So many little birds, but there were three times as many two weeks earlier)

Sadly, the swift population is in a huge decline… possibly due to loss of habitat/nesting areas on their migratory route, it has been in decline for years. We didn’t see many swifts during our evening watch, but what we did see was wonderful…
Enjoying our days here…

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