The Styling Librarian

In my opinion, books are the best accessory.

Styling Librarian: Celebrating Where the Wild Things Are

Thought I’d quickly post that I’ve been feeling quite reflective of life, inspiration, and hope after reading of Maurice Sendak’s passing this morning.

Thought I would quickly post a video of  some of my students enjoying Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak in honor of his creations. We’ve been discussing challenged and banned books and I thought a perfect author focus would therefore be Maurice Sendak…

2 comments on “Styling Librarian: Celebrating Where the Wild Things Are

  1. Pingback: Styling Librarian: What are you reading? 5/7/12 Science Fiction and Banned Books « The Styling Librarian

  2. Pingback: Styling Librarian: Technology Resources Shared for May 2012 « The Styling Librarian

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